Mushroom and Herb Omelette
Breakfast, Lunch, Brunch or a light dinner - Omelettes are a student favourite! You can use whatever type of mushrooms you want in this recipe - or whatever is cheapest.
Serves 1
10 mins

1 tsp olive oil
50g mushrooms
3 medium eggs
Italian mixed herbs
Let's cook
Roughly slice the mushrooms and add them to a bowl with the olive oil. Mix it up and set it aside for later.
In a jug or bowl, whisk the eggs together until combined, then stir in the herbs.
Slowly pour the egg mixture into a hot frying pan, and drag the edges of the mixture towards the middle until it begins to set. Leave the mixture to cook for two minutes, then add the mushrooms on top.
Leave to cook for a further 3 minutes or until all the egg is cooked.

Alice Joslin
Royal Holloway University of London
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